New York Jets Flight Crew Debut In Their New Uniforms Designed By Marc Ecko At The NY Jets Kick Off Game On Sunday
Get ready for the pregame festivities as the New York Jets and the Patriots kick off the regular season at the Meadowlands on Sunday. Creating quite a buzz is the the New York Jets’ Flight Crew. They will run out of the west-end tunnel wearing their new uniforms, designed by fashion mogul Marc Ecko. The 22-member crew, a unique flagcarrier/dance team, privately unveiled the uniforms at a recent photo shoot in NYC on September 12th. The team asks that all fans get into the stadium early to check out the player warmups, the National Anthem being performed the lead singer of Lifehouse, Jason Wade; our nation’s colors presented by the Madison Police Department Honor Guard; fireworks, a flyover and the introduction of the 2008 NEW YORK JETS!! Be sure to check it out!
Reader Comments (3)
Was at the game yesterday. Those uniforms were so UGLY (a large belt over frilly, diaper-like panties) that they apparently couldn't get any decent looking women to wear them (well, maybe one or two but on whole a very mediocre bunch).
okay...whoever posts extremely negative and RUDE comments about these girls, OBVIOUSLY has many issues of their own. The sad truth is these nasty people are all probably 300 pounds overweight taking their depression out on these girls..its not their fault you'll never be able to wear those little outfits. So think before you say something so rude, they work there asses off. I think they are all so beautiful and they ROCK those uniforms..everyone else is just jealous! IM YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN FLIGHTCREW!!! WOOOOOOO
Nunya, no disrespect to the ladies or the folks at Ecko, but these outfits are an example of classic bad design. My design instructor warned us against "gilding the lily"; the notion that less is more was clearly forgotten here.
It's so impractical and over-the-top.
The orgy of accessories here are over-powering the girls in a way that detracts from their beauty. And I don't understand the white granny bloomers constasting with a dark mini cut way to high.
The needs of a dancer, who requires fluidity of movement when performing turns and kicks, weren't kept in mind when this design was conceived.
Mark, if you guys are looking for a redesign, let me know. You surely need one.